Saturday, July 14, 2012

Truth Time

I've gained back approximately 20 of the pounds I lost in 2011 since I started work.

I'm having skin issues for the first time in my life and my face looks like crap.


Tired of hearing myself say I'm lonely, tired of typing it out here, tired of worrying about it.

I live vicariously through romance novels.

I don't have a fair pair of jeans.

I don't have any outfit I can put on that makes me feel gorgeous.

I sit at home most weekend nights.

My mother is my most constant companion.

I feel like everyone is progressing in their lives except for me.

I miss DC.

I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up.

I hate that no matter how much I work out, if I don't eat perfectly I gain weight.

I hate that I already know I'll have to work out and eat blandly for the rest of my life or else I'll blow up like a balloon.

I wish I were funnier.

I do not know how to flirt.

I am sick of hearing myself whine.

I'm always surprised when my superiors tell em they think I'm good at my job.

I'm still waiting to go on a great adventure.

My mother unexpectedly cleaned my bedroom for me and she found absolutely nothing dirty, awkward, naughty, or scandalous. I don't know whether to be proud or ashamed.

My crazy is crazier than ever.



  1. Hey Sam,

    So I contemplated whether or not to write because I don't want to seem like the person who thinks they have all the answers. (definitely not me) Anyway, we have some experiences in common so here goes...

    Discovered I weigh 20 more pounds than what I thought was my normal weight. When did I gain 20 pounds? Heaven only knows. Problem: I love to eat. Don't know how to diet. So, I've decided to just maintain. I just eat,(but try to eat the bad stuff in moderation) I try to exercise, all the time. Literally. I take the stairs at work, do leg lifts while watching TV, etc. ( I even hold my stomach in when ever i think of it. not sure if that's working lol)

    Acne: Never had it as a teenager. Suddenly got it as an adult. A woman at work kindly pulled me to the side one day and told me her acne story and gave me her regimen. Worked like a charm! Neutrogena oil free acne wash daily scrub, Witch Hazel, Terminator 10 acne treatment, spf Neutrogena moisture. (if interested, let me know and i'll tell you the details)

    So you're already gorgeous. You just gotta get an outfit that says you know it!;-) I love to shop and I have a great team of experts (my sisters) We're up to check out a sale anytime if you want. (FYI: they're a lot less hyper than myself in case you're worried.:-)

    Don't need to know what you wanna be when you grow up I think. So, it seems like this uncertain economy has caused people to reinvent themselves multiple times. People have become well rounded individuals in order to make a living. I think the longer you work, gain experience, and have life experiences, your career will evolve.

    Funnier? Personally, I think some of your blogs are hilarious and quite witty.

    Mom finding something scandalous in your room is highly overrated :-/ (Even if you are an adult, and pay your own bills and... oh sorry)

    I don't think I know how to flirt either, but eh, I get by:-)


  2. Awe Sam - I think you're beautiful inside & out, regardless of having some uncertainty about things. You don't have to have everything figured out, and just like with this job you found - things always fall into place. Who knows -- maybe life will bring you back to DC some time soon. Sometimes you just gotta roll with the punches, and you may pick up a black eye along the way but your good friends will still think you're beautiful and want to hang out with you.

    Love you!

    PS - I haven't been on a date in over a year, I sing kid songs in my free time, it takes me a month to recover from social activity with folks my age, and I definitely have nothing scandalous in my life let alone my room, and I'm ok with all of that...ok, maybe I'd like to go on a date some time in the near future but hey I'm dealin ;)


I LOVE reading comments, and it makes me feel super special that people thought enough of what I wrote to drop a line or two. Thanks for making me smile... :)