Friday, June 22, 2012

Things I've Learned

1. Law school does not teach you how to be a lawyer. Maybe it teaches you how to think like a lawyer, but I could have went to paralegal school for that and saved $200,000. So, thanks for that, Georgetown. Much appreciated.

2. Law firms like to give you lots and lots of free alcohol and free (bad for you) food.

3. Lots of free alcohol + lots of free (bad for you) food = Lots of non-free shopping because you've gained too much weight to fit into your formerly "skinny" clothes. Damn it.

4. Do. Not. Piss. Off. The. Secretaries.

5. Running 3.1 miles is doable!

6. Running 3.1 miles with a blister is less doable.

7. Blister gel/cream preventer stuff does not work.

8. There are exactly 16 Black people in my firm. Total.

9. It's so easy to spend money when you've got money.

10. Don't ever take a job where you have to bill hours. Trust me on this.

11. It is totally appropriate to wear flat jeweled sandals to the club in June, and don't let anyone tell you differently.

12. Rooftop parties are fun.

13. Walking through an alley that smells like a schizophrenic homeless woman's underwear to get to said rooftop party is not fun.

14. The attractive, Black, cool, male lawyer is not totally an urban legend. If only I could remember his name...

15. As long as you look busy and type furiously, no one will bother you while you're on your computer at work. Even if you're blogging.

Happy Friday!


P.S.- 16. Three day weekends should be mandatory.

1 comment:

  1. I want to obnoxiously comment on all numbers. Here we go:

    1)I guess it's just all a technicality
    2)Accounting firms do too...they are both the devil.
    3)Definitely went up one size while working at said Accounting Firm and I haven't come back from it yet. smh. I feel this pain. You should add to this...the not-free shopping gets done online because you work during normal mall hours.
    5, 6 & 7)Not for Ryen Marie..maybe one day.
    8) Ugh. And the majority of them prob aren't even cool.
    9) This is why I have a spending only checking account now.
    10)'s not that bad, you get used to it.
    11 - 13) Agreed
    14) Take a perfect opportunity and JUST GO ASK!
    15) I'm a pro at this. Blogging and Commenting on blogs :-)
    16) Work Weeks should be 4 days. (Same thing)


I LOVE reading comments, and it makes me feel super special that people thought enough of what I wrote to drop a line or two. Thanks for making me smile... :)