Friday, March 25, 2011

Self Esteem Issues

I'm lonely.

It's hard for me to admit this, because I know I'm supposed to be young and carefree, and having the time of my life Sex in the City style. But I'm not. I'm lonesome. I like being in a relationship--or at least my idea of an ideal relationship. Not that I've been in anything resembling my idea of an ideal relationship. I've had three boyfriends and never held hands out in public. Something seems wrong with that, doesn't it? Anyway, I digress... I like having someone to call or text just to say hi or have a random stream of consciousness conversation with, or share an inside joke that really shouldn't be funny anymore but for some inexplicable reason still cracks us up. But I don't have that.

Haven't had it for two years.

For two full years 25 months if you want to be specific, I've been utterly single. No boyfriend, no significant other, no "or something" (Q: is that your boyfriend or something? A: yeah... or something) no dates, no hookups (do black people hookup?) no kisses, no cuddles, no... nothing. Just me. And my thoughts. Which is bad, because my thoughts lead me to ugly, self-defeating places I don't like to go. Which is why I'm up right now at 1:03 a.m. writing this instead of sleeping peaceful in my bed.

Sometimes I think I'm "the Ugly Friend".

I'm sure you know how people always joke about there being one unattractive girl in each group of friends; there was even a Twitter trending topic about it a few months back. I find myself trying to take an unbiased look at myself and figure out where I really fall on the scale of attractiveness. Because there's got to be a reason that I haven't even be seriously approached by a guy in the last two years, right? Especially in DC where so many other young women seem to be having the time of their dating lives. So what else could it be? I know I'm tall, and maybe that accounts for some of it--especially in DC where there seems to be a strictly enforced height maximum of 5'10 for all men---but that can't be the determining factor, can it?

So maybe my standards are unrealistic. I mean, I look in the mirror and after critical assessment think that on a scale of 1-10, ten being Halle Berry, I'm a solid seven. I don't think that's giving myself too much credit. I have pretty nice cheekbones. And my smile gets lots of compliments, even if it is slightly gummy. But seven is above average, right? And above average women don't go on two year long dry spells. So maybe I'm not as unbiased as I purport to be. Maybe I'm more like a five. And as such, I should proportionally lower my personal "he's cute enough to give some time to" scale. Because people generally end up with people who are equal on the attractiveness scale, right?

When I was in middle school, there was a girl that all the boys liked. All of them. To this day, she's still just as gorgeous. Anyway, I remember looking at her and thinking to myself, "man, I wonder what's it like to walk into a room and have everyone there wanna get with you". Must be daunting and exhilarating and empowering all at the same time. I'm envious of people who know what that feels like.

Remember when you were in high school, maybe middle school, and you would put on your cutest outfit and cruise the mall or hang out at the movies and get hit on by little knuckleheads whose pants were too big and shirts were too long and wore sweatbands around their wrists because it was cool? And you would give them your number because, why not?

I don't remember that. It never happened to me.

No little knucklehead ever asked for my number at the mall, or the movies, or the Auto Show, or the State Fair.

Maybe that screwed me up and now I'm so unused to dealing with men that even if I am getting hit on or I can't even see it. Wouldn't that be tragic?

Remember when you were in college, and you'd go to the club with your three best girls because you'd just finished finals and you were desperate to blow off steam? And your faaaaaavorite song with the thumping bass would come on and you'd all run to the dance floor en masse because all the guys would be at the bar trying to swindle drinks out the bartender even though they were underage and you just couldn't wait for them? So you and your girls would dance and laugh and before you knew it there was a guy dancing with you, and your friend, and your friend over there?

I was always the girl left dancing by herself, trying to remember why I liked that damn song so much to begin with anyway. But maybe I'm just a bad dancer.

Sooo, yeah. I promise I'm not looking for sympathy or anything like that. But I said this blog was to keep me honest so... this is me. It's my pity party, I'll cry if I want to.



  1. wow! I really enjoyed reading your thoughts, I often fall into this emotional stage and wonder if it will ever get any better... its not just you that feels this way!

  2. I can definitely relate RE: guys never hitting on me, being the girl left dancing by herself, and NEVER getting numbers. Remember I've only dated 2 guys in my LIFE!!! Girl - you are BEAUTIFUL! ( I am too tee-hee). I realized that the guys that I would run into when I was "out with my girls" really just weren't MY TYPE (well I wasn't their type). There are guys who aren't YOUR TYPE. They're cute, but you would never go for them.

    That doesn't mean anything about your own attraction. You just haven't met your match. I know it's tough and frustrating, but hang in there - stay positive - this definitely helps. A guy can tell right away if a woman WANTS to be approached, if she's expecting it, or if she's not expecting it. Also, just because some of your friends have dated 23,234 guys doesn't mean squat. All you need is your one - and I personally don't believe it takes a lot of trial & error to find him. Love ya girl and keep your head up :)

  3. "I'm lonely. It's hard for me to admit this, because I know I'm supposed to be young and carefree, and having the time of my life Sex in the City style. But I'm not. I'm lonesome."

    I so needed this today!! It's nice to know that im not the only one feeling this way! And I dont need any cute "ur time will come," "the right guy is out there for you," drama becasue at the end of the day I'M LONELY!!

  4. Unfortunately, life is ugly. It's really not enough to just check things off a list (looks, intelligence, career, not being an asshole, etc). You have to actually LIKE someone, or else you end up dating someone who's great on paper, but you don't really love. And that's the rarest thing of all.
    I guess what I'm saying is, hang in there. It sucks to no end, but if it were easy to find, it wouldn't be worth anything.

    -a friend from a past life.

  5. OMG! You are definitely on a roll with these blog posts right now. I can definitely relate to everything you wrote. High school and college were definitely like that for me. Plus side, being alone is better than trying to make something work that you know wasn't meant to be just because you want another warm body there. I know from experience. Keep up the good blogging!

  6. Hey guys, thanks so much for commenting. I definitely woke up this morning like, "maybe that post was a little TOO personal." LOL

    Good to know I'm not alone in my crazy.


  7. SAAAMMMMMMAAAAA I always dance alone... unless its in a dance battle! and you are welcome to battle me anytime. You know you're gorgeous... and I totally agree with what Monique said. Co-sign errythang. I'm sending you an email. Because I have had my phone taken yet again...

  8. But dancing alone can be so fun sometimes, especially with these creepin a## creepers out here in the District passin STDs through their jeans... lol. great post Sam!


I LOVE reading comments, and it makes me feel super special that people thought enough of what I wrote to drop a line or two. Thanks for making me smile... :)