Thursday, March 10, 2011

New Urrms and New Legs

Did you get that reference in the title? No? Need another clue? ::sings:: It's a new dawn, a new day, a new life for meeee, and I'm feeling gooooooood! *stands pigeon-toed*

Yes people, I joined Weight Watchers! Together with my friend Jen, I signed up a couple days ago and am very excited to see how it goes. I've gotten a lot of "Sam, you don't need to lose weight!" when I tell people I've joined, which while sweet, is quantifiably not true. What is true is that I've been doing fairly well on my own. However, I'm hoping that joining now will help get me out of this rut, as well as reteach me good portion control.

For those of you who don't know how Weight Watchers works, they give you a daily point value--based on your height, weight, and how much you want to lose--that you are not supposed to exceed. Every food has a point value, so you can basically eat what you want and spread those points however you want as long as you don't exceed your point total. It's essentially calorie counting, but a lot more user-friendly.

As part of the program, you're supposed to take pictures during your first week so you can have something to compare with down the line. And since I love you guys and have completely disregarded any pride I might've had when I started this blog, I'm going to share mine with you. Keep me honest people.

Sorry about the toothpaste on the mirror, I swear I cleaned it before I took these. Guess I missed a spot. :/

You can definitely see the love handles and tummy, and those twin rolls on my back are the bane of my existence. I also took a close up of my face since you can often see weight loss in the face first. Toning up my arms is definitely on the list too. So there you go! At the start of Weight Watchers (and Lent) I am at 219. I set my goal on Weight Watchers as losing 5% of my body weight, or 10lbs, but I'm hoping to smash that over these next 13 weeks. Wish me luck!


P.S. You'll see a lot more pictures on the blog now that I've got my camera, which had been out of commission since last July, working again. It's the Michigan Difference, people. Go Blue.


  1. First of all, LOL @ your blog title. I thought I was the only one who noticed that she said that!

    I know you can do this. You're dedicated and you seem like you have the drive/motivation to continue forward! I am also doing the weight loss thing and I am more motivated than ever. I stepped on the scale a few weeks ago and nearly cried. I think this is the biggest I've ever been.

    Let's keep each other motivated. We're on the road to #NewUrms and #NewLegs

  2. love it! weight watchers is great and it really puts food in always im joining #teamfitness too...the hardest step is always the first...Good Luck!

  3. This is so awesome! I'm proud of you! I'm on WW as well...and it's helping me change my attitude about food. This will be one heck of a ride...I'm rooting for ya :)


  4. Yay, WW buddy!!! We can do it! Um, I forgot to take the pics of myself when I started. Oops.


I LOVE reading comments, and it makes me feel super special that people thought enough of what I wrote to drop a line or two. Thanks for making me smile... :)