Monday, January 17, 2011

Let's Talk About Weight

Being overweight is NOT fun. Not even a little. And even if you're lucky enough to carry your weight relatively equally, such that people can't tell just HOW overweight you are, it still sucks.

So with that said, I'm going to do something I never thought I'd do in my life. Ever. Like, not even a little. I am going to tell you how much I weigh. I feel you should know that my hands are literally shaking as I write this. But first, let's start off with how much I used to weigh. Back when I was really overweight. Back when I was living alone for the first time, adjusting to living in a new city, trying to figure out and hold on to a crappy relationship, and had my first taste of thousands of dollars in loan money at my disposal. Then? Way back then? At my heaviest, say around March 2009?

242 Lbs.

Guys, I seriously just gagged writing that. Do you know how heavy that is? Oh. Em. Gee. And I was TOTALLY in denial! Yeah, I've gained a little weight, but my stomach is still pretty flat. My body is so awesome like that. Ha! Right.

Picture Time!

Ignore my gorgeous sorority sister McKenzie to the left, and instead focus on me at my heaviest. Pay close attention to how my boobies are twice the size of my head. Niiiiiice.

So that was then. Thankfully, I'm no longer at that weight. After many moons of workouts and changed eating habits, I am now down to... dun duun duuuuun...

212 Lbs. (not including the 6 I gained over Christmas break when I did absolutely ZERO working out and ate anything I could get my hands on. No worries, I shall lose that expeditiously).


So this is me now. Thirty pounds lighter and mighty fine if I do say so myself.

But I'm not done yet. My goal weight is 190, and I'm counting on you guys to keep me motivated, because I'm co-dependent like that. Sweet.

So, what do you say? Are you up for listening to me whine about my disdain for working out and not eating delicious desserts and candy?


I'll take your silence as an enthusiastic yes.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Real Life Awaits

Guys, I'm ONE semester away from graduating from law school. ONE!!

*does the patented Samantha happy dance*

In exactly 4 months, 2 weeks, and 4 days, I will be a 25 year old law school graduate. With an undergraduate degree from the 15th best university in the world. That's pretty cool. What's not cool is that if I don't Find. A. Job. I'll be living underneath an overpass with only my degree to protect me from the elements. Which is bad cause paper--even that really fancy parchment they print degrees on--is not really water resistant. Eh.

So, there's that. Buuuut, in order to get a job, I need to pass the bar AND HOLY CRAP WHY IN THE WORLD IS BAR PREP SO EXPENSIVE?!?!? I'm talking $3,000 for the privilege of

banging my head against the desk in frustration, having no life, pulling my hangnails a la Black Swan (!!!), staring at the wall plotting my own death studying 8-10 hours a day for 2 months with a bunch of freshly minted JDs. Have you ever met a law student/new JD? They generally aren't awesome people. Except for me. I'm awesome. And that doesn't even include the actual cost of the bar exam itself! At least my parents love me and are gonna pay for it. I think. Hopefully. I'm pretty sure I'll owe them each a summer house or something once I'm done though-- interest payments are a killer.

So all that to say, if anyone knows of any sport/entertainment/media related jobs I should apply for, let me know. Ok, who am I kidding-- if anyone knows of ANY jobs I should apply for, let me know. Beggars can't be choosers. Well they could, but then they'd just be an a*hole beggar, and don't beggars have enough problems to deal with? I'm sure the economy is heavily curtailing their panhandling take. Thank you kindly.

Alright, that's it. Mom's fried pork chops await and I do loves the pig.


P.S. Happy New Year!